Sonam Kapoor is a true fashionista in India and Bollywood is very proud of her. Sonam Kapoor features on the cover of Grazia, this month. She is one woman who loves experimenting with her looks and hardly or we just say, never plays safe. It's like she's dressed up 24×7.
Revealing her lesser-known side, Sonam Kapoor chose to go the high-street fashion way for one of her most fashion-forward photo shoots.
It's been a while that we saw this chic chick on a magazine cover and it absolutely very refreshing to see Ms Kapoor standing tall and pretty on the cover. Giving that naughty pout, Sonam is seen all convinced and bold, giving the world a hint of her curves. Though this look of her's is sure to raise a few brows, it's absolutely fine with the actress. She looks sexy and undisturbed!
The inside of Grazia will see Sonam wearing a lot of Roberto Cavalli vintage dresses.
In the meantime, the actress is all set to feature in her next film opposite Kolaveri D sensation, Dhanush. The movie is titled Raanjhana and will have Sonam play a 17 years old school girl. She is told to be working really hard to get into the skin of her character.
A source reveals, "To prepare for her role, she used to visit a local girls school in Varanasi for some time. She went there to do character study for her challenging role opposite South star Dhanush. Sonam would observe them carefully, the way they would walk, giggle, and interact and all other mannerisms. She even made friends there with a bunch of girls. She used to visit the school every alternate day and interact with the kids there to prepare for her role."