Priyanka Chopra's international single 'In My City', was a mega hit. The actress next features in a song called 'Erase', a collaboration with The Chainsmokers. The group comprises New York-based producer/DJ duo Andrew Winter and Alex Pall.
Priyanka tells in a statement, "Music for me has been a very organic process. I have been fortunate enough to work with the best and the most passionate people in the business. I have my team to thank for 'Erase'."
"Even though I was hard at work on my debut music album they allowed me opportunity to break away and work with and feature on this single by 'The Chainsmokers'. These guys are super talented and completely crazy, which made the whole process so much fun," she told.
The song is an electro-pop number with heavy beats and loud synthesizers. This is a new genre to the actress and she is very impressive, with just the right accent.
'Erase' will be out in December 2012. However, a sneak preview of the song is available, which was released over the weekend. So far, the track has garnered over 25,000 plays within a day of the release.
The Chainsmokers told, "Working with Priyanka was such an incredible opportunity. Priyanka has such a sensual voice that really opens up which allowed us to create this big room vocal house sounds and still have a hard electro break."