Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola is a comedy drama, set in a Haryana village. The movie is about Harry Mandola (Pankaj). He is an industrialist and his life revolves around drinking and his daughter Bijlee (Anushka). Both, father and daughter share an extraordinary relationship with Harry's Man Friday, Matru (Imran). It was a difficult task for designer Payal Saluja to design the Haryanvi outfit for Imran Khan and the traditional ghagra for Anushka Sharma in the film Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola.
Imran Khan had to shed his chocolate boy image, don a beard and build up his muscles. Anushka on the other hand had to wear a grungy look, shedding her Punjabi girl image. The change was definitely visible and is refreshing. Pankaj Kapoor is seen in two different looks – one classy and the rustic image.
Bhardwaj was very clear about what he wanted, right from the start. "He wanted an authentic Haryana flavour in the look of the movie.
Imran has an urban look and image. We had to add a rustic flavour. Vishal didn't want a raw-looking protagonist since he wanted to show the character as educated and well-traveled. So we worked around a modern rustic look for Imran," tells Payal.
Imran Khan had to gain weight and also acquire a natural tan for his sexy rustic look in the movie. Anushka Sharma had a lot of mix and match to do. She had to be portrayed in a different light altogether.
"For one sequence, we got a 'desi ghaghra' made. It is traditional and its 'ghera' was made out of 26 metres of cloth. The ghaghra, made by locals, was heavy, and despite Anushka's tiny waist, she used to wear it happily," Payal told.
The film is expected to come out January.