Lately, celebrity hairstylist, Sapna Bhavnai lashed out against Salman Khan in the Big Boss house calling him a "Serial Woman-Beater" in front of all the cameras in the house. However, those portions were not telecast. Now, housemate Aseem Trivedi who recently got voted out confirmed that the whole episode did take place and only because Sapna was provoked by Salman.
Aseem told, "Salman Khan misbehaved with Sapna. When he overstepped the line of decency, she obviously retaliated. But then, any self-respecting individual would have done the same thing."
However, Aseem didn't accurately explain what Salman's misbehavior was.
According to reports, Sapna was angry with what she claims as constant insults from the star host. It all started when Sapna said that she wasn't in the Bigg Boss house for money, and Salman mocked her saying: "If you are not here to play the game, are you on a picnic at a resort?"
Sapna, irritated with the host shot back, telling, "Koi haq nahi banta har hafte sabki bezzati kartye rahe, har Friday. Kyunki aap mujhe paisa dete ho mai aapki bullshit sunti rahoongi har Friday?"
For the first time a host has been involved in an argument with a housemate on Bigg Boss. Despite this, Salman Khan still hasn't reacted to the accusations of misbehaving with Sapna.