Malaika Arora, created a sensation with her item number 'Munni Badnaam' in the smash hit movie Dabangg. Now, the diva is all set to recreate the magic in the sequel of the film Dabangg 2. But Malaika is being tight lipped about her role in the movie.
"I am a part of the film, but in what capacity, you will only know that once you see the film. So when you watch the film, then you will see me," Malaika told at the recent Belnder's Pride fashion show.
While Malaika isn't ready to reveal in any details about her part, she tells that she is very happy that her friend and actress Kareena Kapoor is a part of the home production.
But Malaika won't be missing out, as she too will be doing an item number in the film. Seemingly, Malaika Arora shot a song with Salman titled 'Pandeyji Ceete Maare'for the movie.
But, she has also made it clear that she is happy that Kareena Kapoor is doing a special song in Dabangg 2.
"Kareena is unquestionably a part of our film and I am really glad that she is there and will be doing a special song in our film," she told.
Dabangg 2 will see Salman back in action as a cop and Sonakshi will be seen as his wife. The movie is directed by Malaika's husband and Salman's brother Arbaaz Khan.
The movie expected to hit theaters on Dec 21. .