Arjun Kapoor, who has been enjoying his time in bollywood after his debut movie Ishaqzaade, already has a crazy fan base. The young actor is already looking forward to work with a few big names in the industry.
Now, Arjun at last confessed and spoke about which lady grabs his attention in the movie industry. He disclosed that he has a huge crush on the newly wedded Kareena Kapoor. He said that he would do whatever it takes to work with Kareena Kapoor in a movie.
After making a successful debut, Arjun made the confession during UTV Stars 'Live My Life 2′ show, which lets a lucky fan step into the shoes of her favorite actor/actress for a day.
Amulya, Arjun's fan on the show, asked him as to who would he prefer to work in the industry with. Arjun told, "Kareena Kapoor! I have a huge crush on her and will literally give my right arm to work with her! I really, really want to work with her!"
The episode featuring Arjun will be aired Sunday.
In the meantime, Arjun is gearing up for two of his releases, Gunday and Aurangzeb.