Ever since working with Salman Khan in Ek Tha Tiger, director Kabir Khan just can't stop praising the actor. Lately, at the premiere of the new Bond film, Kabir told that Salman is appropriate to become India's James Bond.
Kabir told, "Salman Khan, I think, has the charisma and the sheer presence that a Bond needs. You look at him, he is strong, silent. But you know when he, sort of, goes into action, there is going to be a lot of thrill."
"When I was making 'Ek Tha Tiger', I was conscious that we didn't want to do a Bond because I feel that there is a difference between Hindi films and Hollywood films. In our films, even in love stories, our heroes are James Bond, so there has to be a differentiator." Kabir further added.
But, Kabir Khan did incorporate a few aspects of Bond movies.
"We stayed away from the sort of Bond style of presenting an agent. Yes, the action we took, a lot of effort was taken to make it international and it was probably very similar to the kind of action that you see nowadays in the new Bond films, more realistic," he told.
In the meantime, Salman Khan is gearing up for Dabangg 2, in which he will return as Chulbul Pandey. The film is slated for a Christmas release this year.