And the report is finally out! Rajkumar Hirani's forthcoming movie P.K also demands the role for a young boy. And Raju has only two people on mind Ranbir Kapoor or Shahid Kapoor. Rumors about Aamir Khan's nephew Imran Khan being finalized for the role have been quashed. Raju is very impressed with both these young actors, and isn't considering anyone else.
The film's lead cast had been finalized long back with Aamir Khan and Anushka Sharma. But since the script offered another meaty role, Raju wants to cast one of these actors.
Now, the fight is on between Shahid and Ranbir. Confirming the news, the director's spokesperson told, "Yes, Shahid and Ranbir are the only two names being considered to play the younger lead."
The movie will go on floors by the end of December. The movie already stars Aamir Khan and Anushka Sharma and either Shahid or Ranbir will be finalized by the end of this month.