Priyanka Chopra is enjoying her career at the moment. Her growing fame is astonishing. Now, international pop start Enrique Iglesias, has been praising Priyanka ever since he met her.
It seems that, Enrique is in awe of Priyanka. Sometime back, during his concert in Bengalaru, Enrique was enjoying interacting with the viewers, when he was asked about which Bollywood actress has his attention. Enrique responded, "I would say Priyanka Chopra. I got to meet her and also managed to see a few of her movies. I loved them! She is great and simply unbelievable."
That's not it, Enrique also heard Priyanka's debut international single "In My City", and he loved her voice and the song. He told, "I also recently heard her single (In My City), it was pretty good. I enjoyed it"
Priyanka Chopra was last seen in the Oscar nominated movie, Barfi! opposite Ranbir Kapoor and Ileana D'cruz.