It was freshly reported that Ranbir Kapoor was offered a movie by Karan Johar opposite Shahrukh Khan. However, it was also reported that Ranbir said no to the film because he wasn't interested in sharing screen space with Shahrukh Khan. Now, the truth is at last out. Ranbir Kapoor has nullified these rumors.
At the launch the DVD of his blockbuster Bollywood movie Barfi! at the Reliance Timeout Store in Bandra, Mumbai, Ranbir Kapoor cleared the rumors.
Ranbir Kapoor told, "There is nothing that has been offered to me. I don't believe in first lead, second lead, third lead. I had myself done a movie called 'Raajneeti', where there was nothing like I am the the first lead or somebody else was second lead. It was a good script and if it's a character that individually excites me first as an actor, of course I do it. But there is no movie as such that has been offered to me."
In the meantime, Ranbir is gearing up for his next movie Besharam, which is directed by Abhinav Kashyap, and will go on floors next year.