So, Sonakshi Sinha has opted out from Salman Khan's forthcoming film Kick. Now, if rumors are true, Salman is keen on romancing Katrina Kaif once more on-screen and yes, the role will most probably go to Katrina Kaif. It seems that, Vidya Balan was approached first, but since Vidya is keen on doing 'Women centered roles' she declined the offer.
Well, that has to be good news for salman, because since both of them share a great chemistry on-screen, and also blew all their fans with overwhelming performances in Ek Tha Tiger, the producers of the movie are keen on casting them in the movie.
As of now, Katrina is busy with other commitments, and she will decide only after reading the script.
A source told, "Salman and Katrina are presently busy with their back-to-back commitments. But after Kick and Sher Khan, Salman plans to do a movie with Katrina."