Everybody will work for money in Glamor industry and when the deals and endorsements amounts to Rs 150crs no one will part away with. However Bollywood perfectionist Aamir Khan sacrificed all that at one go. Sources disclose that during his debut on TV channel, Aamir made sure that none of his ads would be featured during the show lest the brands cash in on the programme. His decision resulted in Aamir losing a whopping sum of Rs 150crs.
A close informer tells, "Aamir is now going for a complete image makeover and wants to go the social way. He wants to get involved with social causes only." The only brand he will still endorse is apparently the Incredible India campaign. Even during August, the actor did have a few ads in hand, but our sources say that recently he terminated all his existing contracts. Aamir confirms this telling, "I have cancelled all my endorsement deals."
Aamir last night along with his Mother Zeenath flew to Saudi Arabia for her Haj Pilgrimage. He was accompanied by an entourage of 12 others. One of the persons going along is a friend of the actor. Six body guards will also accompany him as security. Source reveals, "Aamir had promised his mother he would take her for Haj this year. They will be away for two weeks." The source adds that the mother-son duo is said to be traveling as part of a group. On October 22, they are expected to depart for Mina. On October 26, they will perform Tawaf-e- Ziarat in Makkah. On October 29, they will depart for Madinah and will board their flight home on November 2.