Anushka Sharma's bold act in the first trailer of Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola has created quite a lot of buzz on the web world. Well, the actress is seen walking out from the water, donning a see-through top. She even sports a tattoo on her lower back. There is a scene where she is seen smooching Imran Khan. Unnecessary to mention, her fans are all going gaga over this diva's boldness.
The actress has definitely come a long way since her first film 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi'.
Talking about her latest film, 'Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola', Anushka is seen flaunting the new colorful tattoo that reads 'Dekho magar pyar se'. She plays a whacky character, who falls in love with a Haryanvi boy (Imran Khan). Their screen chemistry is WAOW. They also make a very good looking couple.
Anushka tells, "I play a strong headed, outspoken girl in the movie. My look highlights the bold approach of the character." The actress however seemed more appreciative of Imran's look."I think he looks hot in the film,"
Apparently, the cheeky body art is part of a promotional strategy for the Vishal Bhardwaj-directed movie.
So, what's with the film's unusual title, 'Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola'?
Vishal told, "I liked it because it was recommended by lyricist Javed Akhtar".
"The film is a different kind of laugh riot. It will have earthy humour," further added Vishal.