2012 has been a rocking year for the sexy and versatile Priyanka Chopra. Both the movies that she did, made it to the 100cr club and one of them even got picked as India's official entry to the Oscars. The actress also won applauds for her newly released international single — 'In my city'. Freshly, Priyanka was crowned the 'Worlds Sexiest Asian Woman'.
Now, the most recent we hear is that the actress has been nominated for the World Music Awards (WMA) 2013. Yet another feather added to her cap.
The ceremony is an international award show for world music artistes, which is held in Los Angeles, and is the first music awards of the year.
Reveals a source close to the actor, "Her music has been liked a lot in the west. She has been nominated under three categories — Best Debut, Best Song and Best Video. Her collaboration with Will.i.am for 'In my city' has been received well."
What's more interesting is that PeeCee will be competing with Rihanna, Lady Gaga and pop sensation Madonna. The source says, "It's a matter of pride for an Indian artiste to be recognised and nominated alongside some of the best names in the world. Priyanka is absolutely delighted."
Priyanka's spokesperson confirmed the news too.