Keep in mind the rumors spread about Shahrukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra's affair during the shooting of Don? Well, it's said that piggy chops became very close to Shahrukh Khan during that time. But when Shahrukh's wife Gauri heard about this issue, she made sure that Priyanka never attended any of their functions or gatherings.
However, Shahrukh and Priyanka never spoke about this neither did they accept it, they just decided to keep quiet about the entire issue. But recently, Shahrukh Khan came out and disclosed that Pee Cee is a close friend and one of the few people who is closest to his heart.
Shahrukh told, "(I) Feel extremely sorry, for she (Priyanka) wasn't shown the respect I show her, or other women. Priyanka Chopra is one of the closest friends that I have, she is very close to my heart, and always will be."
And back then it was none other than Shahrukh's closest friend Karan Johar who accused Priyanka on the social platform Twitter. Maybe Shahrukh wasn't too happy with this and Karan later on confessed that he didn't do the right thing. But Priyanka wasn't even bothered and later on patched up with Karan on his birthday.