The Femina Miss India 2013 Calendar was launched. The calendar features contestants and winners of PFMI and has some sensuous oomph factor and glamour to the forthcoming year. The Femina Miss India 2013 calendar was launched in Goa. The calendar was together unveiled by Marc Robinson, Rochelle Rao, David D' Souza and Ricardo D'Souza, Vanya Mishra and PFMI 2012 finalist Nikita Dutta. The calendar has been shot by ace lensman Jatin Kampani. The models were styled by well known designer Gavin C. Miguel while the hair and make up for them was done by Venus. The smoldering calendar has been shot at Carnoustie Resort in Kochi - Kerala. According to Marc Robinson, Creative director Femina Miss India, apart from the 3 PFMI 2012 winners, the calendar also features 2 PFMI finalists.
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