Bollywood actor Vinay Pathak, known for his brilliant comic timing, will be seen in Ananth Mahadevan directed biopic "Gaur Hari Dastaan".
The movie is about Odisha's freedom fighter Gaur Hari Das, who joined the movement to end British rule in India.
"I am playing Gaur Hari. It is a biopic. It is the story of a freedom fighter. It is a wonderful role and is fantastically directed. I am looking forward to it," told Vinay known for his rib-tickling performances in "Khosla Ka Ghosla" and "Bheja Fry".
The movie also stars Konkona Sen Sharma as the freedom fighter's wife. Ranvir Shorey and Tannishtha Chatterjee will also be seen in the period drama.
Apart from that, Vinay will also be seen in revenge comedy "Bajatey Raho", which has been directed by Shashant Shah and also stars Vishakha Singh, Tusshar Kapoor and Ranvir.